Patient Services

Health Services for Residents

Mindful Support and Mental Health Solutions provides Medicare approved counseling and therapy that is uniquely tailored to the needs of the aging population. Therapy provides a structured process to navigate significant life changes and struggles. We work with a variety of mental health concerns, offering diagnostic assessments, behavioral modifications, support, and therapy. Our licensed and trained therapists work in conjunction with a team of providers to offer an individually customized level of support to residents in ILF/ALF, SNF, hospitals and independent residences.

Specific Conditions We Treat …

Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment disorder is common among the elderly population as they navigate many major life changes. Coping with change is not always easy. When a person experiences intense physical and/or psychological symptoms after a life event, or transition, the person could be experiencing an adjustment disorder. Adjustment disorder can be acute (less than 6 months) or persistent (over 6 months). Some of the common symptoms of adjustment disorder are feeling sad and hopeless, loss of interest in things they used to enjoy, crying, not eating, isolating themselves, trouble concentrating, physical aches and pains, digestive issues etc. Seniors that transition into assisted living are at increased risk for an adjustment disorder. That’s why Mindful Support and Mental Health Solutions has designed a specific program tailored to the needs of seniors (and their loved ones) who are transitioning to a new facility to help make this transition easier for all involved. See our “Smooth transition program” for more details.

Anger Management

Some aging adults are at risk of developing an anger management problem. Certain circumstances such as dealing with physical health problems, lack of quality sleep as well as the social and emotional challenges that come with aging can all affect levels of anger. Increased anger causes a physiological response in the body that involves elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, muscle tension and other symptoms. These symptoms put the aging population at increased risk for cardiovascular damage and other chronic diseases. Furthermore, anger has been linked to increased inflammation in the body which can aggravate arthritis symptoms.

Stress Management

Stress is a normal response to a dangerous or difficult situation. It can help us stay alert and safe while we fight off a crisis. Sometimes, though, our bodies and minds stay in a state of stress for longer than necessary, which can take a toll on our physical and mental health. Older adults are especially vulnerable to chronic stress because they are experiencing so many life changes. It’s important to be aware of the symptoms, causes, and solutions for stress in seniors.


Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. A certain level of stress can be quite motivating and help us solve problems. However, for some people anxiety can move beyond the normal “stress” of everyday life and become debilitating. When anxiety disrupts daily life, relationships, and a person’s ability to function, it may be an anxiety disorder. Clinical anxiety disorders involve unrealistic or excessive worry about multiple areas of life. In the aging population this may include worrying about misfortune to children and grandchildren, finances, or physical health. Anxiety disorders become more common as we get older because medical, psychological, and social problems tend to build up.


Agoraphobia is the fear of being trapped in a place from which you couldn’t escape if an emergency were to occur. It’s similar to claustrophobia, but it doesn’t always happen in tight spaces. Agoraphobia is one of the most common phobias in older adults. Agoraphobia can start after a traumatic event; however, it is helpful to remember that what may be a traumatic event for a senior would not necessarily feel traumatic to a younger adult. Understanding Agoraphobia from an older person’s perspective makes sense as to why it’s not uncommon for elderly adults to want to isolate themselves. Outings that used to be enjoyable and simple, become complicated and overwhelming. The simple act of going shopping can bring new risks and obstacles. Many seniors must give up their driving licenses, are fearful of falling and may have incontinence issues that all contribute to isolative behavior. There are many reasons why seniors don’t want to leave their homes, apartments, or Assisted Living Facilities. Agoraphobia in older adults can play a major role in an elderly person’s self-imposed isolation. Many older people’s mobility is compromised, canes, walkers, and wheelchairs change a person’s perspective of their mobility. So, it makes sense that being anxious about being trapped in a certain situation in which you couldn’t escape if trapped would be very overwhelming. Psychotherapy is often used to treat individuals with agoraphobia. Talking and learning ways to tolerate anxiety symptoms and taking measures to alleviate them can help the older adult begin to re-engage and take part in previously enjoyable activities.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain in the elderly is a common issue with conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and neuropathic pain contributing to poor quality of life. Pain can be acute (short lasting) or chronic (persistent, lasting more than 3 months) and can be accompanied by depression and anxiety. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, such as what is offered through Mindful Support and Mental Health Solutions, provides individuals with several new strategies to help manage chronic pain. Several studies have found that whether administered alone or in combination with medication treatment, CBT improves pain and pain related problems.


Typically depression begins in childhood, however the life changes that occur in later life can affect mental health. Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It affects the way you think, the way you feel, and how you manage your daily life and relationships. It can make you lose motivation, appetite and lose interest in previously enjoyed activities. Depression may be common among older adults, but it is important to note that clinical depression is not a normal part of aging. Further, depression in the aging population presents differently than in younger people and symptoms can often mimic those of common physical ailments such as, insomnia/fatigue and sleeping too much, irritability, confusion, and attention problems. Depression in the elderly also increases the risk for heart problems. Vascular depression is a type of depression in older adults that’s caused by circulation problems. Symptoms of depression often last longer for the elderly and therefore should be treated as soon as possible.

Suicidal Ideation

Older adults are at the highest risk for death by suicide, particularly white males over the age of 85. Reasons for this include the fact that older adults typically use more lethal means, such as firearms, have less impulsivity and typically plan more carefully to end their lives, and are less physically resilient. In addition, older adults are less likely to share their suicidal thoughts with others and are often socially isolated, thus reducing their chances of getting help.

Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver burnout is characterized by exhaustion, mood changes and shifts in attitude. It often happens when friends or family members take on the role of caregiver for someone they love. As the strain of caregiving builds over time, it can affect work, relationships and physical health. A caregiver may also be hard on themselves for experiencing negative emotions. Being irritable, frustrated or stressed out is not uncommon. Talking to a mental health professional about your feelings can help you find acceptance and learn to overcome caregiver burnout.


Most people experience some level of grief when a loved one passes away. However, any kind of loss can lead to feelings of grief. The senior population is particularly vulnerable to experiencing feelings of loss and grief. Whether it be through the loss of a loved one, or the loss of freedom of independence, loss of health or youth, these are all experienced as grief. Common symptoms of grief are shock, numbness, guilt, shame, regret, anxiety, fatigue, nausea, weight changes and other physical conditions. If left untreated, grief can often turn into severe depression. Speaking with a trained mental health professional is the most effective way of dealing with the emotions that surface when grieving.

Coping with Illness

Learning you have a new illness can be alarming and shocking. Receiving the diagnosis of a serious or chronic disease can leave people dazed and bewildered. Often people experience intense emotions that they don’t know how to handle. Therapy can support seniors and their families come to terms with new illness by providing advocacy and educational support and to assist with thinking logically instead of letting emotions and thoughts get out of control. Learning coping strategies and how to control disease is the best way to thrive in the face of sickness.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition that people may experience after going through or witnessing a traumatic event. Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD, however the condition is more common than most people think. Many people go through life undiagnosed which only serves to increase symptomology and other physical and mental health issues often stem from not being treated for PTSD. Older adults in particular are at higher risk for developing PTSD symptoms than the general population. Life changes associated with aging make coping with an earlier trauma more difficult. Even if a person never previously showed signs of PTSD, they may start to struggle with their trauma as they age and face retirement, physical health problems, and functional and cognitive decline. PTSD in older adults can also occur because there are fewer opportunities to self-medicate. Many people use avoidance-based coping strategies, such as working long hours, to distract themselves from the psychological effects of the traumatic event. However, as people age, their coping strategies tend to become less available, so they are forced to face their trauma head on for the first time. Therapy is the most recommended treatment for PTSD by organizations such as the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) and the American Psychological Association (APA).

Substance Abuse

Substance use, particularly alcohol, and alcohol use disorders (AUD) are common among older adults, particularly in the baby boomer generation. Alcohol use is linked to depression, anxiety, dementia, and a higher death rate in older adults. Age related changes in metabolism leads to any amount of alcohol or drugs having an increased adverse effect on older adults.

Severe Mental Illness (SMI)

The national growth in the older adult population is anticipated to include a disproportionately larger growth in the number of older adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorder and other Serious Mental Illnesses (SMIs). There is a greater risk and incidence of adverse outcomes associated with SMI and medical comorbidity.

Isolation & Loneliness

Senior isolation and loneliness are common concerns among the aging population and their loved ones. Older adults lose their outlets for social interactions they age, and this can lead to issues with mental, physical and cognitive health. There can be personal, cultural and community factors that can cause isolation. Isolation can also be defined in different ways. Sometimes, isolation refers to being physically alone in your environment. However, isolation can also be feelings of loneliness that can be felt even when physically in the presence of others. Just because an older adult lives with family or with others in assisted living doesn’t mean they can’t feel lonely.


Mentation is a medical term that refers to mental activity, including reasoning and thinking. As we age changes in mentation are common. At Mindful Support and Mental Health Solutions our trained therapists can assist with maintaining mental activity to help manage dementia (a decline in memory and other mental abilities that make daily living difficult). We also help to treat and prevent delirium (an abrupt rapid change in mental function that goes well beyond the typical forgetfulness of aging) and we work to evaluate and treat depression. In addition, we offer support and education to family members of loved ones who show a decline in mentation.

Additional Services

Telemental Health

TeleMental Health Psychology Services is offered via Medicare-accepted guidelines. TeleMental Health is delivered by Licensed Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers utilizing traditional telephones, smartphones, and computers. The therapeutic delivery methods are individualized as determined by the patient’s capabilities.

What is TeleMental Health?
TeleMental Health is the same as traditional face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy. The only difference is that therapy is delivered through the employment of electronics (Telephones and Computers) and technology to support health care and provide quality services remotely. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration promotes the use of telehealth for various reasons and through a variety of methods.

Smooth Residential Transition & Adjustment

An adjustment (transition) disorder occurs when an individual is unable to adjust to or cope with a particular stressor, like a major life event. Since people with this disorder normally have symptoms that depressed people do, such as general loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness, and crying, this disorder is also sometimes known as situational depression. Unlike major depression, however, the disorder is caused by an outside stressor and generally resolves once the individual is able to adapt to the situation.

Baseline and Ongoing Assessments

MSMHS healthcare providers are state of Florida Licensed Clinical Psychologists or Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) trained in mental health therapy that perform baseline initial assessments. These standardized assessments identify individuals that may have mental health conditions at the time of assessment or are deemed to be “at risk” to develop one.

Individual & Group Therapy

Many patients can benefit from group therapy, either alone or in conjunction with individual therapy. MSMHS offers group therapy to patients and their loved ones (separately) as support for adjustment periods, such as when transitioning into a new facility (see our smooth transition program). Group therapy is also most indicated for grief/loss support as well as adjustment.

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